Growing global recognition for our project developers

Our renewable energy developers have been helped tremendously throughout the last few years.

By a stunning 30 years of experience in technical and business development skills, next to a sustaining international interest, besides continuing stamina and endurance of mission and vision to help creating an improved balance between human and nature, the connections are readily shaped that were a missing link in the first 10-20 years of development.

Complex business endeavours and environments have been valued by more and more from all over the world. Our approach is recognised and is leading to a likely increase of projects this year: a staggering growth of 100%. Our almost AI-like team identifies and recognises immediately who are the ones responsible for giving their support to the difficult development circumstances of our projects in countries where the need is the most. From Australia to Europe and Northern America, knowledgeable and skilled professionals find their way to support our projects. Great stuff!! More of the reasons behind our work can be found in the annual report linked to the results , through below link.
