COP25 – VN klimaatconferentie is van 25-11-19 tot 13-12-19 ‘en Madrid España’

Morgen, maandag 25 november, gaan de 3 weken van start.

Waarom vind ik dit zo belangrijk?

Er is een vergadering die als alles goed gaat, door mij wordt bijgewoond, pfff, met reden.

Al sinds mei 2019 heb ik een punt gemaakt, die op agenda van vergadering zou zijn behandeld in september 2019 (dat is al 4 maanden wachten geweest…). Daaruit werd geconcludeerd dat mijn punt het behandelen waard was, maar moest worden doorgeschoven naar de volgende vergadering, duh… november 2019 (nog eens 2 maanden wachten…).
Het leek mij toen wel eens welletjes om maar eens aan de tafel aan te schuiven. Daarom dus…

Mijn rede moest ik vandaag aan de vergadering doorgeven. Ik deel hem hier voor wie daarin is geïnteresseerd.

24-11-2019, 14:05, Hastière Belgium

Give them a window of hope

Written input was already given in May 2019.
Same plea in current wordings:

“Your system you are currently running is disgraceful.”

I say that in behalf of Promoters & Developers (P&Ds) out there. Not on behalf of the whole circus surrounding them, like vultures, making themselves money from sources which have been fake, ever-since the system went alive in the first trading period before 2007. This was the moment I personally got acquainted with it.

So much for mandatory and voluntary carbon dioxide equivalent reduction certificate prices in your system, true price levels have never come to the P&Ds who are trying to make an honest living from such markets. But they aren’t naking..P&Ds are losing dedicated jobs.
Lust for investments has faded away. Replication and duplication potentials are far away from happening.

Yet there is hope. And my company with entrepeneurial scientific-pragmatic-technical specialism sees that at the horizon, 2020. I see trustworthy markets that recognize P&Ds and pay them back, so they could prevail, and even be the model to replicate and duplicate of what they are doing within their neighbourhood. I see jobs that will go into the right
direction. I see more sustainable balance and ecosystems that will continue to exist, as a direct spin-off of your system.

But, P&Ds who are out there, aren’t seeing that same hope in your system anymore, like
their pilot flame has gone out. My vision is that it can be resparked, but then you should give them the time, to regain hope and enable them to get in true connection with the horizon markets.

Grant all of them the extension of the grace period with one year, until 31-12-2020. Don’t let
them drown, please.

Rogier van Meenen, M. Sc.
RDP Development BV, Netherlands
Partner of Global Climate Partnership Netherlands

Illustrative source information:
